Photo by: Wally Lanzaoui

Real architects don’t build walls, they build Petit Pont.

As with architecture and it’s foundations, you can’t claim to have style if you neglect your underwear. In this same mindset, two very creative people came together for a unique concept that moved from passion to art: Petit Pont was born!

Photo by: Marion Berrin

To some people, a petit pont is a small bridge. To others, a Petit Pont is a simple and elegant gesture that combines sophistication and a perfect sense of tempo.

We at Duse magazine had the opportunity to sit down with the creators Jessica Pichet and Jean-Joseph Junior (aka Jojo) the talents behind “Petit Pont”, and we were amazed by their main product: underwear.

As with architecture and its foundations, you can’t claim to have style if you neglect your underwear.

The Team
Photo By: Marion Berrin

Bridging the gap

The idea of bringing two different elements of two different worlds together in the concept of a small bridge is liberating and fresh.

Between Paris and London the lifestyle brand “Petit Pont” was born in 2014. The concept of the brand falls back to the admiration and background of Jojo and Jessica. Jojo was thinking about doing something with all his knowledge from the past, and especially his passion for football. He said that the 2014 World Cup in Brazil played a big part in the conception of the brand. With the architecture he learned in school, Jojo tried to find the difference between sculpture and art and managed to find new ways to express himself. It was a surprising experience to see how Jean-Joseph brought together the worlds of football and architecture in one brand.

Jessica, on the other hand, is the perfectionist of the duo, with a background in visual arts. She has a strong design sense, which makes them a dynamic team. They both always talk through their ideas together, like a bridge that has two ends. They truly believe that building a collection is very much about building a style. And what’s more, the aim is quality instead of quantity! And isn’t that what DUSE is all about as well.

Photo by: Jessica Pichet

What makes them a perfect match? Well, they complete each other! Jojo is the player, Jessica is the watcher. He plays with the designs, the fabric,… She makes sure the product is presented well. That is Jessica’s field of expertise, as she has studied ‘Design’.  She has an eye for things that look good.

The human body. It is the first layer and it is an important one! Every layer is built on that very single first layer, so it deserves extra attention. That is where “Petit Pont” comes in with their designs. In the beginning, the brand highly focused on the quality with boxer shorts that were a bit simpler in design, but nowadays they tend to go wilder with an eclectic approach, without losing sight of the quality. The fabrics are extremely touchalicious (Yes, we made this up, but we couldn’t find a better word.) and give the underwear that touch of exclusiveness we all want in life.

It took more than 2 years to develop the brand because Jojo and Jessica do not want to be tied to seasons. To them, a collection is ready when it is done, no pressure!

Photo by: Wally Lamzaoui

From the start of the brand until now “Petit Pont” hasn’t shown everything yet. The concept of the first collection was based on football. In football, many things haven’t been used in aesthetics. And if it has been used in fashion already, it was merely superficial. Football can be seen as an art form, according to Jessica and Jojo. It has many symbols that can be used in fashion. But football wasn’t the only source of inspiration: “Petit Pont” is a brand offering a singular vision on clothing inspired by sports, architecture, and military design.

It goes without saying that “Petit Pont” expresses the beauty of gestures. Beautiful gestures are art. In Jojo’s eyes, football players are architects. And not just football players, every athlete is an architect! They build something on the pitch. Their movements are just like a dance, it is their STYLE.

“Petit Pont” has already amazed us and we are so ready for the future! Without a doubt, it is going to be an exciting one!


Diego Aguiar @Di.r.a