
What makes Thompson  Klay?

While it’s the curtain calls on the NBA Finals, we decided to focus on something else than all those stats and expert analysis. So seat back relax and enjoy a quick motivational shot from one of the splash brothers.


When your girl looks as good as Klay’s girlfriend – even if  your girlfriend is the ex of Kyrie Irving – you must have a pretty darn good reason to not spend Valentine’s Day with her, right?

Klay had a date and it did not include chocolate and roses. Indeed, his date was with history. Furthermore, he wanted to show the world who is the real 3points king.

It was an epic final in which he drained his last 8 shots to take the crown away from his Splash brother by beating him on a final score of 27 Klay to 23 Steph. If this wasn’t a sign to come, just look how he’s been carrying the Warriors when Chef Curry is gone missing.


Funny how one decision can impact so many people. Remember when King James decided to bounce out of  Ohio in order to take his talent to South Beach? Seems like the folks in Cleveland found their man to build on their new foundation as they picked Thompson…nope, not Klay but Tristan. By picking him at the 4th spot out of the draft, they overlooked Klay who got picked at the 11th spot from the Warriors. As you can believe, this was some extra motivations for a man who grew up with a true sense of purpose.

Indeed, the son of an 2x NBA Champion and 1st overall pick in the NBA, Klay is fully aware of the expectations that come with the family name.


So during his Back to Back NBA Finals, we could witness a man with a purpose. We could get a sense of what splash truly means. This being said, us at DUSE, we always like to focus on the intelligence by the man. So what better way to look back at Klay Pre-Draft Workout and realized that even us, we overlooked him at the time…