Fashion Throw Back Thursday

Balmain X H&M, it’s a collabo that has been covered from all angles just like a wedding at the Buckingham Palace.

Truth being told, this could have been the closest we’ve been from London’s glitters and the spotlights of the Big Apple.

For sure…. Belgium knows how to surf. Everything was set up properly to give us an exclusive glimpse of the world of Balmain redesigned by H&M…or maybe, the H&M world with a Balmain twist as the purists would have said.

You knew you’re in the right place when you got your guests mesmerized by the venue and the vibe you exposed them too.

“To fully grasp the impact of this combo, we decided to bystander how Europe’s capital surfed on the tsunami wave called H&M x Balmain as well as witness what it brought to the shore.” – DUSE

hm-balmain-mens-leather-jacketFrom the candle lights table splendor to a ground chandelier added with the lovely heels higher than the Eifel tower mixed with the dope and sexy DJ line up, the sight & sound experience was just right.

It didn’t take long before the pop-up shop dolls looked as naked as your favorite’s fantasy girl. Which made it even more entertaining to the brain and remember, it was all about getting a glimpse of it.

Similarly only a selected few could really brag about getting their Balmain out the store. So this was the perfect opportunity to make diehard fans feeling like a Kardashian for a night…and maybe more to come if the dress fits.

It was black Friday on a Tuesday night. It was NYE on an exquisite November evening. The wolves came out wood and went hunting for pieces of garments with the Balmain’s tag and as Fabulous would have said:” Just throw it in the bag!”
