How will you get to the top while the social ladder is broken?

Kryme  Dupay  

Forget about the King for a moment, and focus about the man, because the man is the reason of his ascension to the throne.

We had the opportunity to share knowledge & values with LB James during his “More than an athlete” world tour and trust us; it was all worthy.
It is twice as hard to succeed when you come from the suburbs. #FACT.
Lebron James & Duke Tshomba @House of Hoops Paris. by @TheLateLight

Many saw ‘Bron dancing his way through some of the best Europeans cities but few understood the purpose behind it and what he left behind.

In the court of King James, numerous complaints have built up against the lack of role models leadership connecting with their people. So, James took his talent to Europe and shared his passion and vision to the world, or should we say, to his world.
From a broken social ladder to sports trapped in a free city, it was all about justice being rendered by the King’s court.

Paris. LBJ connected with 100 kids from the “More than an athlete” Summer Academy. His presence and his words inspired them to be more than athletes. He didn’t just show up and talked, he got fully involved with the Parisian youth all over the city. That’s DOPE.

The result is plane old simple. You leave behind 100 inspired kids who will go on to inspire others. Add to that a refurbished court and a 12-month program on the court put together for and by the kids in the neighborhood. That’s what we call FUBU.

Berlin. Freedom breathes through the street of Berlin; however, sports is not. Anyone familiar with this amazing city will tell you that access and inspiration to do sports are simply lacking.

Thus, The King and his court staged the biggest pick-up game in history of the city, while bringing the fun back into sports – all for a good cause.
LBJ connected to Berlin’s athletes and local youth through a school sports event and they launched a 12-month program worth 100K with GCI partner Gangway to unlock gym times for kids in Berlin.
#Respect. Lebron James & Duke Tshomba by @TheLateLight
The truth of the matter is, you may dislike the basketball player, but you must respect how he brings people together, on and off the court while inspiring them to become more than an athlete. RESPECT 2 the King.